History of Hydraulic Jacks

Hydraulic jacks are widely used all across the globe. They have a lot of relevance in the present era, as they have made an incredible contribution in making our life much more comfortable than it was before. These jacks have outweighed conventional screw jacks that were in use at some point of time. They consist of two cylinders joined together. It works on the principle of Pascal’s law which suggests that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a container of fluid, there is an equal increase in pressure at every other point in the container.


The origin of hydraulic jacks can be dated several years ago when Richard Dudgeon, the owner and inventor of hydraulic jacks, started a machine shop. In the year 1851, he was granted a patent for his hydraulic jack. In the year 1855, he literally amazed onlookers in New York when he drove from his abode to his place of work in a steam carriage. It produced a very weird noise that disturbed the horses and so its usage was limited to a single street. Richard made a claim that his invention had the power to carry near about 10 people on a single barrel of anthracite coal at a speed of 14 m.p.h. Dudgeon deserves a special credit for his innumerable inventions including the roller boiler tube expanders, filter press jacks, pulling jacks, heavy plate hydraulic hole punches and various kinds of lifting jacks.

Common Types

Floor Jacks: These jacks are primarily used to lift heavy equipments from the surface of the floor. It is more often used to change the tyres of vehicles. Floor jack is known by different names such as garage jack and car jack. Nowadays, you can find more powerful jacks in the market that use hydraulic power for maximum lift.

Hydraulic Bottle Jacks: Hydraulic bottle are versatile since they can be placed in tight spots and provides good leverage. They have a longer handle as compared to rest of the hydraulic jacks and push up against a lever that gives a lift to the main lift arm. With their use, it is possible to give a greater lift per stroke. They are extensively used in the construction of buildings and repairing the foundation of houses. It has also been found to be very useful in search and rescue operations.

Long Ram Jacks: In simple terms, it is a hydraulic jack with a long size ram. Its lever handle is quite easy to use. It is primarily used for performing various types of repairing work.

Shop Press jacks: They are of great use in press jobs where there arises a need to generate tremendous pressure with minimum effort.

Another popular form of jack that enjoys high demand in the market is the Porta Power Jack.

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