Recognizing the Power of Conversational Hypnosis in Relationships
There is a significant misconception that hypnotism is very blatant and results in subjects either telling the truth about certain matters or acting like a chicken or a dog, to name a few animals. People frequently state that they will never agree to be hypnotized because it would be embarrassing. Others would submit to it for something helpful, such as weight loss or remembering something vital. What many fail to realize is that there is discreet hypnosis going on, around or to them. The power of conversational hypnosis in relationships is quite impressive and yet, few realize it even exits.
Better known as covert hypnosis, conversational hypnosis involves one person trying to connect to the subconscious mind of another person without it being detected. The skill with which it is done is amazing. Two people can be having an ordinary conversation, except that one person is sending messages designed to change the behavior of the other. Because the recipient, or target, is unaware of the action, they will not realize that they were hypnotized. Therefore, they will accept any change in behavior or thought as a result of their own action and choice.
How it Works
The power of conversational hypnosis in relationships is dependent on metaphoric suggestions. Usually those ideas are presented in a subtle manner that is unnoticed by the person they are aimed towards. Rather than invoking a trance or extreme relaxation, the subject is engaged in conversation, wide awake and has their eyes open.
Occasionally, suggestions are presented in a direct fashion, such as by the use of stories. Similar to one of Aesop’s Fables, the tale sends a message that is easy to understand and remember. It seldom matters if a person is paying attention to the story, as the words easily penetrate the subconscious mind. This is particularly true if the one telling the story is a trusted friend or relative.
Impact on Relationships
Just building confidence with the subject allows the other person in the relationship to build a connection through verbal or behavioral methods. The next step is using metaphoric language that causes an unconscious state in the subject’s mind. The result is that the person doesn’t believe what they hear pertains to them. The power of conversational hypnosis in relationships is displayed as the message is delivered. It remains with the subject and creates the desired change because he or she now sees things in the way you wish them to be seen.