Textile Processing Guide

Make your staff more knowledgeable with no expense

A free DYER’S GUIDE on TEXTILE PROCESSING techniques, right from desizing to finishing and printing, for people in the textile industry. It covers from basic processing to the latest trends in the technology.

The following main topic headings speak about the contents:

1) Bleaching Dyeing and Finishing:
This option contains information about basic processing details of various fibers and blends. Wherever necessary, practical tips and recipes have been included for the benefit of the readers. It’s a very useful section containing dyestuff and dyeing details of reactive dyes, vat dyes and disperse dyes.

2) Articles on Textile Processing:
This option is a resource of articles collected from various sources that would improve the knowledge of the dyer.

3) Textile Testing Methods:
A free resource on various textile testing methods with practical how to do tips. This is very useful for people who wish to set up their own testing facilities in their campus. You can see useful textile calculations as well in this section.

4) Articles on Textile Developments:
You can see different interesting developments in this field of textile processing, dyes and chemicals and effluent treatment. Articles on geo-textiles, technical textiles etc are interesting and thought provoking.

5) Articles on Textile Effluent Treatment:
This is the need of the hour and has been under construction. However you can see a few useful articles on effluent treatment.

6) Textile Processing Machinery:
This is a unique chapter containing the salient features of various textile processing machinery. This would be a useful collection information for a student and well a textile technician.

7) Message Board:
This area of visitors. You can share any textile related information with the world; may be a machinery sale, machinery purchase, seeking job, looking for employees etc. You send your message to publication. Your message will be published and maintained for a period of 30 days without any fees.

8) Frequently Asked Questions:
This section may be called frequently faced problems and their solutions. You can see useful question answers from practical application point view.

9) Textile News:
This is an industry News blog. Still under development. However you can see the latest news in this industry.

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