Basement Glass Block Windows – Benefits, Hot Trends and Product Options

Why should you even care about a basement window – it’s just the small little nasty bug filled window in the lower level of your home that hardly ever gets opened? With energy prices rising at an unprecedented pace, security concerns increasing, and water levels rising in some areas of the country causing flooding, you might be ignoring these lower level windows at your own expense. This article will explore the benefits, latest trends and product options with lower level windows with a focus on basement glass block windows.

Glass Block Window Benefits for your lower level space

Here are the 5 top benefits you’ll realize by replacing your existing basement windows:

1. Reduce High Energy Costs – Most lower level windows have old rusted metal frames or rotten wood frames with a single pane window glass inside. They are usually the most inefficient windows in the home. Block glass windows are 10 times more energy efficient than single pane glass.

2. Increased Security/Ease of Gaining Entry into the Home – Existing window are flimsy, usually held in with caulk and are an easy target for break ins. New glass brick windows are mortated into the foundation making them difficult and time consuming to attempt to break through.

3. Increased privacy – It’s easy to see into the lower level through the clear glass in the existing windows. With block you can pick a high privacy pattern like Icescapes or Delphi from Pittsburgh Corning or Ice or Pristal from Mulia to let the light in, yet keep others from looking in.

4. Cut Maintenance takes time, money and energy – Single pane metal and wood windows need to be repainted and caulked to keep the elements out and to prevent rust and erosion. With glass block basement windows there is no maintenance needed since the windows are mortared into the foundation.

5. Windows will become easy to operate – Lower level windows are often rusted shut, or cannot easily be opened making a basement smell musty and allowing mold spores to grow. New block windows can be combined with fresh air vents or power exhaust fans to make your basement healthier for your family and friends.

Lower Level Window and Wall Hot Trends and Product Options

Although basement windows have been in existence for ages, like most products the options have expanded in proportion to the needs of the families they serve. Here are some of the hottest trends in lower level living spaces and product options available to you:

– Trend 1- Remodeling the Lower Level to Add Cost Effective Space with Egress Windows It is more cost effective to build down (remodeling the basement) than to build out (adding a room addition) or to build up (adding another floor). If you’re looking to add a bedroom in the basement consider digging out around your foundation and putting an egress window in for more air flow and the ability to get out of the space in the case of an emergency. Consider an operable acrylic block egress window to accomplish this objective.

– Trend 2 – Turning your lower level space into a “Man Den” with custom decorated and colored glass block windows and walls – If you’re looking for a place to hang out with friends, watch some great sporting events on a big screen TV the lower level is becoming the place to do it. If you’re a college or pro sports fan you can have the glass block windows or walls custom decorated with your team’s colors, or designs. This will give you the privacy you want with the one of kind style at the same time!

– Trend 3 – Finding and creating the right space for your hobbies with security, privacy and proper air ventilation – If you’d like to use your basement for crafts, sewing, wood working, machining you may be bringing in expensive equipment into your basement and have the need for more air flow. With basement glass block windows you can now incorporate high privacy patterns and exhaust fans within the glass window for the additional air flow – turning your basement into your hobby headquarters.

Your basement no longer needs to be the dungeon of your home. With glass block basement windows and wall products you can get the functional benefits you need with the cool style you desire!

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